MESHFREE: Meshfree Methods in Computational Sciences -
ICCS 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 3-5 June, 2020
Prof. Vaclav Skala,
e-mail: subj.
MESHFREE 2020 (please, KEEP this subject in a mail)
Workshop WEB page:
Paper submission February 7, 2020 (EXTENDED)
Download the Call for Papers:
Help us as a REVIEWER?
Send us email and use subject: "Meshfree reviewer"
FirstName;LastName;Email;XX area(see below);ResearcherScopusID;ORCID;ResearcherID(WoS/Clarivate)
Our community needs your help!
The ICCS conferences are conferences ranked as CORE A (
MESHLESS accepted and presented papers are to be published by Springer in the ICCS
conference proceedings
Workshop Committee:
- Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
[WEB page] [Scopus
- Marco Evangelos Biancolini, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
page] [Scopus
- Edward,J. Kansa, University of California (Davis) & Convergent Solutions, USA
[WEB page]
- Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim, Petronas University of Technology, Malaysia
page] [Scopus
- Rongjinang Pan, Shandong University, China
[WEB page]
- Robert Schaback, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,
[WEB page]
Information for Authors
Paper is to be submitted via
(submission server at EasyChair is open):
- one paper per a presenter/author is preferred, no duplicate or
similar submissions
- the Call for Papers with detailed submission
- paper submission via ICCS 2020 standard submission server at EasyChair
(select the proper MESHFREE TRACK)
You may select
- Full Paper/Short paper - oral presentation
(default choice)
- Poster Presentation - if you wish present only a poster
- Abstract Only
- option for researchers who can only publish in specific journals or
work for companies in circumstances such that they cannot publish at
all, but still want to present their work and discuss it with their
peers at ICCS. In the “Abstract Only” option, a short abstract is
published in a book of abstracts, but not in LN.
In addition (valid for the MESHFREE
track only, but not for the Abstract type of presentation)
All corresponding authors are requested to
- the paper in the PDF format also to
subject MESHFREE 2020 - TOPIC (XX) - Paper ID [from the EasyChair (e.g.
paper ID:361)]
where XX is the number of the MAIN
this TRACK TOPICS (see below)
(It help us to find relevant reviewers fast, also we will make a fast
pre-review, if possible)
- a LIST of all authors
Preferably in the form FirstName;LastName;ScopusID;ORCID;ResearcherID(WoS/Clarivate)
Important dates - please, see the ICCS 2020 page at
Meshfree methods are a hot topic in computational sciences and numerical
Standard computational methods used across many application fields require
tessellation in 2D or 3D using triangular or tetrahedral meshes. Tessellation
itself is computationally expensive especially in higher dimensions and the result
of that computation is again discrete, and physical phenomena are not smoothly
interpolated. The meshfree methods are especially convenient for scattered data
processing as they do not require tessellation. They are used not only for
interpolation and approximation, but also for solution of partial and ordinary
differential equations, etc.
Meshfree methods are scalable to higher dimensions and offer smooth final
representation and they lead to a solution of a system of linear
equations, in general.
This ICCS 2020 workshop is intended to explore broad computational
applicability of the Meshfree methods especially based on Radial Basis Functions
across many areas, including theoretical and mathematical aspects of the
meshfree methods.
The aim is also to connect latest theoretical research results with possible
computational applications, i.e. put together theory and applications in
computational sciences.
The accepted and presented papers are expected to be published in the ICCS
2020 conference proceedings.
Main topics (but not limited to):
(please, use this numbers as a sub-sessions identification as XX
as mentioned above)
- Meshfree methods in engineering problems
- Meshfree methods and differential equations
- Meshfree methods and GIS, CAD/CAM systems
- Meshfree methods in theory and practice
- Meshfree methods and computational and numerical issues
- Meshfree interpolation and approximation methods for large scalar and vector
data sets
- Meshfree methods for scattered spatio-temporal data, t-varying systems
- Radial Basis Functions (RBF) in computer graphics, visualization etc.
- Meshfree methods in image processing and computer vision
- Meshfree methods and projective space representation
- Comparison of meshfree and mesh based computational methods
- Scattered data interpolation and approximation methods
- RBF for a mesh morphing and data mapping
- Meshfŕee methods for corrupted image reconstruction and inpainting
- Meshfree methods applications in general
Prof. Vaclav Skala,
subj. MESHFREE 2020 (please, keep this subject in a mail)
Head of the Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Applied Sciences
University of West Bohemia, Plzen [Pilsen]
Czech Republic
Meshfree Research Group at the University of West Bohemia
Actual list of meshless/RBF related publications of our group:
Last update: 2019-10-28