Special Workshops and related events - open Calls and recent events
The research group focuses on development of new methods
for spatio-temporal data representation, manipulation and new data structures
development using “meshless” approach in the fields of computer graphics and
visualization and interpolation techniques.
The main goals of the project are:
Objects in computer graphics are usually
defined as a surface model using a surface description, e.g. polygonal meshes,
parametric patches etc., or as a volumetric model using computer solid geometry
etc. Available hardware is optimized actually for triangular meshes. Recently a
surface of time varying objects was represented by a triangular mesh with a
constant connectivity. It enables to make effective data representation,
compression, transmission, decompression and rendering of such models.
In the discrete case, volumetric models are mostly considered, like CT
and MRI images, standard techniques like marching cubes or tetrahedra are used
and data are represented in regular or adaptive structured meshes.
This project is targeted to exploitation of meshless (meshfree) representations,
manipulation, compression/reduction and rendering issues especially for
scattered spatio-temporal data. As the meshless techniques are easily scalable
to higher dimensions and handle spatial scattered data, research will be
targeting also to spatial-temporal data, where quite new methods can be expected
and applied also in many engineering computations and GIS systems etc.
There are several fields, where reached results should find direct applicability, especially in:
Also some results (especially theoretical ones) are expected to contribute to other fields, e.g.:
Prof. Václav Skala Research supervisor Details at |
Ing. Zuzana Majdišová, PhD Development of data structures for large scattered datasets for meshfree methods |
Ing. Michal Šmolík, PhD Meshfree methods for large spatio-temporal vector scattered data sets |
Ing. Martin Červenka Development of scattered data meshfree approximations |
Bc. Zuzana Kačereková SN-RBF scalar data interpolation |
Bc. Alex Koenig Hierarchical RBF scalar data interpolation & space subdivision |
External members | ||||
Prof. Rongjiang Pan Meshfree methods for scattered data |
Dr. Samsul A.B.A. Karim Interpolation methods |
Former researchers and students | ||||
Ing. Jakub Vašta RBF approximation of scattered data, i.e. z=F(x,y) |
Marek Zábran Optimal variable RBF shape parameters estimation |
Bc. Jan Kašák Former MSc. student |
Dominik Poch |
Maria Martynova Scattered data meshfree approximations using neural networks |
Ing. Ondřej Nedvěd Interpolation and approximation meshfree methods for large scattered datasets |
Ing. Jiří Zapletal Meshfree methods for corrupted images reconstruction
Ing. Petr Vaněček, PhD Meshfree methods for corrupted images reconstruction |
Bc. Ladislav Hobza Meshfree methods for corrupted images reconstruction using GPU |
Ing. Jan Dvořák (currently PhD student with a different topic) |
Ing. Lukáš Hruda (currently PhD student with a different topic) |
Prof. Vaclav Skala
tel. (+420) 37-763-2473
c/o University of West Bohemia
Head of Computer Graphics and Visualization Center
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Univerzitni 8, Campus - Bory, CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
CZ 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-9141-2011
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